Precision Agriculture for LES DOMAINES
Monday 26 June 2017
An important step to improve yields, nitrogen fertilization can be accurately calculated thanks to the data collected by the drone.
Operatoring in agriculture for 50 years the group LES DOMAINES AGRICOLES bets on the precision agriculture with the use of drone.
The group has just acquired a new generation drone to develop agronomic maps. Deployed on field plots (cereals, rapeseed) the drone will analyze soil condition, plant health, nitrogen requirements. With the aim of increasing yields by optimizing inputs of water and inputs while respecting the environment.
Its use could be extended to other crops.
The group offers a wide range of products for domestic and export markets. Dairy farming and processing, production of seeds, cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables of around 20 species (40 000 tons), citrus fruits (150 000 tons).
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