Mandatory declaration for entry to FRUIT LOGISTICA 2020
A new health message from the organizaters of FRUIT LOGISTICA 2020 : "In accordance with the order of the health authorities of the State of Berlin all participants of FRUIT LOGISTICA are requested to fill in a mandatory declaration before entering the fairground.
This declaration aims at identifying attendees who belong to the novel coronavirus risk group. Criteria for being part of the risk group are: recent travel history (14 days) to the province of Hubei or contact to a person with a confirmed coronavirus infection and experiencing typical symptoms (fever, coughing, shortness of breath).
If a participant belongs to the risk group or does not fill in the declaration form, access to FRUIT LOGISTICA will be denied. This is a precautionary measure to protect visitors, exhibitors and the general public.
We kindly ask all attendees to:
• print out the declaration
• check the appropriate answer box “YES” and “NO”
• carry the declaration with you throughout your stay at FRUIT LOGISTICA.
The declaration will be checked every time you enter the fairground.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. The safety of our FRUIT LOGISTICA attendees has highest priority for us, which as in this case includes operating in accordance with related orders from the authorities. Please keep an eye on our website for further updates and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions".