Wholesalers in the role of buying groups
4 years ago, the wholesale market from Brescia (northern Italy) created the "Consorzio Qualita" . This Consorzio was intended to promote local products in the region.
For 6 months, the Consortium has launched a new technology for mass distribution in the region. The system allows buyers of supermarkets to buy on the wholesale market to wholesalers Brescia members in live or by phone.
Consorzio does the rest :grouping of orders, packaging, delivery, billing and marketing. The Consortium also provides credit insurance for wholesalers.
The benefits are not negligible, since wholesalers are free at the trade and tariff level, they are assured of their payments and buyers have only one contact for packaging, shipping and billing and are assured to benefit from a superior discount to that practised by buying groups.
The main purpose of this practice is to live in the market better, increase the volume of goods and thus have greater purchasing power from producers. The success enabled the syndicate to hire a person to solicit other supermarkets in the northeast region of Italy to join the project.