Fruits & Vegetables imports continue to grow
United States
Saturday 20 January 2018
Imported volumes of avocados, asparagus, cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes have increased significantly over the last decade.
During the 2007-2016 period, the United States increased its imports of Fruits & Vegetables, and for some products the weight of the volumes imported compared to the total supply shows a dependence.
According to data from the US Department of Agriculture, commented by the Mexican media, the dependence on imported products is real.
Thus in the last decade, the ratio of imported avocados to total supply has increased from 65 to 86%; the ratio of imported asparagus from 78 to 96%; the ratio of cucumbers imported from 52 to 74%; the ratio of imported peppers from 48 to 60%; the ratio of tomatoes imported from 41 to 57%; the ratio of blueberries imported from 44 to 57%.
For Mexican professionals, this upward trend in US imports is expected to continue and therefore lead to an increase in Mexico's exports.
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