Imports cover 90% of the country's consumption
Heartbreaking conclusion of the National Union of Producers : only 10% of Fruit & Vegetables in Bulgaria are consumed locally , the rest is imported.
The National Union of Producers reveals that the sector is in a critical condition. Pointing several factors: the alarming decline of areas for the production of Fruits & Vegetables, up to 10 times less for some crops .
Then , the inability to offer for sale within 48 hours the harvested products . Finally, the lack of manpower due to emmigration , estimating that 20 to 25 % of the 1.5 million people who left Bulgaria for work abroad are from the agricultural sector. Not to mention, the "gray" area with sales and illegal imports which account for a significant share.
To solve these problems the Union calls for certain measures. Try to make it attractive return to the country for expatriate workers , improve practices and facilities in the sector, introducing mandatory tax ( such as VAT) and the registration of producers and industry operators.
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