The Stock of apples and pears is the lowest in the last 5 years.
Tuesday 17 November 2020
The total stocks of apples in Catalonia by October 31 is 205,099 tons, which is 30 percent lower than last year in the same month, and 85 892 tons of pears, which is 4 percent less.
Due to the short harvest , an increased consumption during the pandemic, and the drop in fruit production in Europe, now Catalan stock of apples and pears is the lowest in the last five years - informs Afrucat.
The total stocks of apples in Catalonia by October 31 is 205,099 tons, which is 30 percent lower than last year in the same month, and 85 892 tons of pears, which is 4 percent less.
The Golden have a maximum decline of 33 percent (89 230 tons) compared to last year, and an average of 30 percent in the last 5 years. The stock of Gala is 16 239 tons; 15 340 of Fuji; 7 289 tons of reds and 10 618 tons of Granny Smith.
Regarding pears, the stocks of Conference is 61 350 tons and 9 304 tons of Blanquilla. The other varieties’ stock is higher than last year, excepting Alexandrina, Winter Flower and Dean of Comice.
source : lavanguardia, leidadiari
photo : dreamstime