Scary decrease in the salads production
Spanish producers are worried to not be able to answer to the international demand of the winter.
PROEXPORT-OPFH (Asociación de Organizaciones de Productores de Frutas y Hortalizas de la Región de Murcia) highlights the important decrease of the production and the export of lettuce. In December 2014 the exports were at 12 000 tons a week. At the moment, for the second and third week of January 2015, the exports will not go above 7 000 tons, so a decrease of 41.6%.
The situation is worrying because it affects any varieties of salads : the iceberg variety , the most exported variety, but also other salads varieties.
The very warm climatic conditions of October and November have produce a early harvest (between 10 and 15 days). Since the start of 2015, bad conditions, low light and frost, in the main production zone have driven a decrease in production.
source : la opinion de murcia es