Production forecasts endive downward trend
The decline of the area has increased and is around 8000 hectares.
After a decline of 6 % ??of the land in production of endive roots during the previous year , the decline is greater for this new campaign. With 8000 hectares to be harvested, the level is historically low. The Picardie and Nord / Pas-de-Calais are the downward movement with -20 % and -23 % of the area respectively . Only Brittany retains all of its cultures compared to the previous year.
The decrease in the area will cause a reduction in root production which is estimated at 228 500 tonnes (-21 %). Yields are expected to remain at those of the 2013-2014 campaign. The production of endive could reach 169 000 tonnes ( - 7%).
source : agreste agriculture gouv fr