Russian Imports of Tomatoes
Sunday 06 August 2017
According to the Sputnik News Agency, Russian Vice Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich announced that a Russian delegation will visit the Izmir International Fair on 18th of August to discuss the possibility for Turkish Export their tomatoes to Russia. He added that it was still too early to say whether the ban would be lifted or not and that the decision would depend on the negotiations in İzmir.
This is the umpteenth time that the Russian authorities have given a glimpse of a solution to the Turkish producers, whose large majority of tomatoes produced in Russia until last year. The last Russian delegation which visited Antalya in June had even spoken of the possibility of allowing three Turkish exporters to sell tomatoes in Turkey, without any realization.
Although alternative markets have been found for this product, Russia remains THE market for Turkish tomatoes and this new statement makes it possible for Turkish tomato producers to hope that a solution is finally found, despite other statements by the Russian government, They prefer to support tomato producers in their own country.