Excellent performance for Mexican exports
Wednesday 12 February 2014
Le Mexique enregistre +20% pour ses exportations au mois de décembre et +3,8% pour l'ensemble de l'année 2013.
Increases recorded for December 2013 and for the full year.
The Mexican Ministry of Agriculture announced that exports have increased by approximately +20% in December 2013 compared to December 2012. For the entire period January -December 2013 sales were up by +3.8% compared to 2012, reaching 11,326 million.
The increase recorded in December can be explained by the growth recorded by certain products: cucumbers have seen their demand grow by +91.5%, avocados by +25.6% , peppers by + 18.4% , tomatoes by + 10.6%.
source : oem.com.mx elheraldodechihuahua