Turkish citrus at ICC 2016
Saturday 17 September 2016
This event is held once every 4 years and this year it is Brazil that welcomes participants from 18 to 23 September at Fox do Iguaçu.
In 2020, it is expected that the conference be held in Turkey, Mersin, a coastal town in the center of the main region for producing citrus countries. Turkey is the 8th largest producer of citrus, and is in the second position of global exporters.
The President of the National Council of Citrus, Mr. Kemal Kacmaz reaffirms the importance for the Turkish sector to participate in such events, which allow on one hand to collect updated information on varieties on disease and progress made in treatment and secondly, to make known the Turkish citrus. Many Turkish scholars will make presentations at the conference.
He added that the information gathered will then be share with the Turkish companies in the citrus sector, which represents the bulk of exports of fresh Turkish fruits and vegetables.
Source : www.mersinhaber.com