The port of San Antonio took advantage of the paralysis of Valparaiso
Saturday 29 December 2018
After 35 days of strike, back to normal for activities of the port of Valparaiso.
Distances of a hundred kilometers, the ports of Valaparaiso and San Antonio are major points of departure for Chilean exports. Due to a dockers' strike, the port of Valaparaiso was paralyzed for more than a month and most of the export traffic went to the port of San Antonio.
The Port of San Antonio recorded a 10-fold increase in exported fruit volumes from 7,400 tonnes last year to 79,000 tonnes for the period from November 16 to December 10. For the same period, the volume of fruit exported from the port of Valparaison went from 59 800 tonnes last year to 5 200 tonnes.
In the last month, Chile exported more than 116,000 tons of fruit, mainly cherries, avocados, blueberries, and apples. About 68% of this volume was shipped from the port of San Antonio, and about 13% by air.
On December 21, an agreement with the dockers put an end to the strike after 35 days of paralysis of the port of Valparaiso.
source :,,, twitter