Highest volume recorded for melon exports
Wednesday 13 November 2019
Brazil exported 43,000 tonnes of melons in October (Photo: agrotvnews.com.br).
According to Secex (Secretaria de Comércio Exterior) the volume of melon exports reached 43,000 tonnes in October, double that of September and the highest level observed in October since 2015. Revenue also almost doubled , reaching $28 million over the period.
European demand was very positive at the beginning of the month but fell in the last fortnight. The European market is important for Brazilian exports trying to reduce this dependence. By greater diversification of destinations, such as the Asian and Middle Eastern markets.
For this 2019/20 partial campaign (August to October), and compared to the previous campaign, exports increased by 17% in volume (69,000 tonnes) and 9% in value ($45 million).
source : abrafrutas.org