Forecast of apple exports in Argentina in 2009
Friday 12 June 2009
In 2009 apple exports are estimated to increase slightly to 250,000 MT, and pear exports are expected to decrease to 450,000 MT, compared to year 2008 due to fruit losses and the impact of the global crisis.
Despite larger production, apple exports are forecast to grow less than expected due to various reasons, including:
1) the current international crisis, which has been reducing world demand,
2) the devaluation, vis-à-vis the U.S. dollar, of local currencies in several export markets, such as Brazil, Russia, and the E.U.,
3) large apple production in the Northern Hemisphere countries,
and 4) the labor union conflict in Argentina between producers and fruit harvesters, followed by another conflict with packing plant operators during the harvest season (as a result, over 80,000 MT of fruit was lost).
In 2008 apple exports decreased due to lower production and the first signs of the global crisis.
Pear exports increased slightly, despite a shortage in supply, as a consequence of strong demand and high international prices which encouraged exports.
Table grape exports increased due to high international prices and strong demand.