Online sales boost Chinese farmers
Thursday 17 November 2016
The concept of the Internet has changed rural China. When farmers have difficulty selling products, the Internet is now a major channel.
More and more Chinese farmers are selling their products to online sales platforms.
Online sales companies typically pay a price higher than what farmers in their regions might expect. The brands can then market these products in regions that are not producing them or to an urban clientele.
LECUNTAO is an e-commerce platform for the rural market that also sets up physical shops in rural villages. Since its launch in 2014, its network of physical stores has reached more than 70,000 villages throughout China.
According to data from the Ministry of Commerce, the number of on-line shops selling agricultural products surpassed 1 million in September, with sales estimated at 170 billion yuan and expected to exceed 220 billion yuan at the end of the year. In 2016. This represents 6.3% of total online sales and an increase of 35% compared to the previous year.
source : Xinhua, Shanghai daily