Fruitylife advice to make children love fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are essential for proper development and healthy growth, but more the years pass, the more difficult to accept salads, green beans, pears or peaches increase. How to love, and so eat the different types of fruits and vegetables to our children? Fruitylife has developed a series of tips with the help of a nutritionist:
1) give a good example! See mom and dad enjoy eating fruits and vegetables every day is for children the best stimulus to encourage them to taste the food and learn to appreciate them.
2) Prepare and cook with them what you will serve at table. Observe, manipulate, knead, taste ... helps children develop their sensory abilities, it is also a nice way to know the foods and discover little by little.
3) Serve vegetables accompanied by something that kids love to eat, for example, ?a single dish with made pasta, served with vegetables and tomato sauce vegetables.
4) Remember also to prepare fruits and vegetables already washed and cut, ready to be eaten with the fingers at any time of the day.
5) Bring the colors on the table, be creative, use fruits and vegetables of all colors, offer them in imaginative recipes by mixing with other foods to make colorful dishes.
Simple recipes, practical and tasty, which makes you want to eat fruits and vegetables every daily, are available on the site.