India-Israel closer to a free trade agreement
Tuesday 02 July 2013
The two countries negotiate a free trade agreement in which products and services for agriculture loom large.
The negotiations between the two countries took place in New Delhi.
The free trade agreement between India and Israel is still in the negotiation phase. The emissaries of the two countries believe to be able to sign the agreement by the end of the year. The agreement should increase trade between the two countries by several billion dollars which totaled $ 5 billion in 2011. At the centre of discussions, products (pharmacy, agriculture) and services (hightech, telecommunications, health).
The potential for cooperation with India, on agriculture and water, is huge according to the Israeli delegation. Technology transfer for agricultural development in India is already running. A unit of R & D is in place in Hyderabad, two centers for fruits and vegetables are installed in Haryana, 30 others are planned for 2015.
source : itrade gov il, sme times in