Melon and watermelon areas down 30-40%
Thursday 03 February 2022
Farmers have preferred to maintain their autumn production and the price situation will be decisive in encouraging them to plant melons and watermelons for the next season (Photo:
The next spring season will start with uncertainty. According to an initial assessment by ASAJA-Almería, the area under melons and watermelons is in sharp decline.
ASAJA-Almería estimates a decrease of 30 to 40%, mainly in the Poniente region for melons, especially the Piel de Sapo and Galia varieties. This decrease in acreage will have a direct impact on the volume of production, but the price situation will be decisive in the coming weeks to encourage farmers to plant melons.
According to ASAJA-Almería, many farmers have decided to postpone or give up planting melons or watermelons for the next season. They have preferred to maintain autumn production (peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergines, courgettes) which generate acceptable prices. Because last year's melon and watermelon campaign was not satisfactory in economic terms.
Moreover, this year the increase in costs may weigh on farmers' decisions. But without proper planning of planting, ASAJA fears that decisions to plant will all occur in a short period of time, which will later lead to massive production and a collapse in prices.
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