Slowdown in 2022 of the world trade in the main tropical fruits
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Wednesday 08 March 2023
This FAO study defines the major tropical fruits as pineapple, avocado, papaya and the commodity group consisting of mango, mangosteen and guava.
FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, has published its study concerning the world trade in the main tropical fruits (pineapple, avocado, papaya and the mango, mangosteen and guava group)
The study (Major Tropical Fruits, Market Review Preliminary results 2022) is based on available information and on estimates for the whole of 2022. With the main sources: responses to the questionnaire, data from the database UN Comtrade and Trade Data Monitor Inc. data, monthly trade data, available information as of end of October 2022 from industry sources.
According to this study, world exports of the main tropical fruits should reach 9.8 billion USD for the whole of 2022. This is a decline compared to the amount estimated by the preliminary study for 2021 of 10.4 billion USD, and the 1st decline since 2013.
The main reason for this decline in trade in 2022 would be the declines in volumes in the main production areas, such as the reduction in the global supply of avocados but also to some extent the high costs of air freight.
The study estimates that for the whole of 2022:
.Pineapple: world exports should register a variation of -1.5% and reach 3.2 million tonnes.
.Avocado: world exports should record a variation of -6% and reach 2.4 million tonnes.
.Mango, mangosteen and guava: world exports should register a variation of -5% and reach 2.1 million tonnes.
.Papaya: world exports should record a variation of +1% and reach 370,000 tonnes.
Consult the study (33 pages) with complete export and import data,
the study is available in English and Spanish