Croissance continue pour les fruits tropicaux
All countries
Monday 01 October 2012
Tropical fruit production recorded steady growth, driven by increasing demand.
World production of tropical fruits in 2014 is expected to reach 82.1 million tons.
For a decade the steady growth in demand has boosted production. FAO, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, estimates world production of tropical fruits will hit 82.1 million tons.
According to the FAO report, mango production will reach 28.8 million tons, India is still the world's largest producer
with 40% of the total, or about 11.6 million tons. Pineapple production will reach 18.7 million tons. Asia-Pacific is expected to keep the largest share of global production (46%) followed by Latin America (29%) and Africa (16%) . Papaya production will reach 13 million tons. Latin America and the Caribbean account for 30% of world production, Asia-Pacific 20% and Africa 15%.
source : fao