Viral outbreaks impacting crops in Níjar and Poniente Almeriense
The New Delhi virus and verruga are threatening crops in Níjar, forcing farmers to take drastic measures to stop their spread.
Although the campaign started late to avoid pests due to low temperatures, outbreaks of virosis have already been detected in Almería, especially in Níjar and the Poniente region.
Zucchini crops in Níjar are being affected by the New Delhi virus and wart. The New Delhi virus causes severe damage to plants, showing curled and yellowed leaves, while wart, transmitted by aphids, affects cucurbits in temperate zones.
Significant damage has been reported in greenhouses in Níjar, with farmers pulling out infected plants to prevent the spread. It is recommended to switch crops to break the chain of transmission.
Other crops, such as cucumber, show signs of yellowing. While the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (TBRFV) remains under surveillance, there are no active outbreaks so far. In the Poniente region, cases of Thrips parvispinus have also been detected in peppers, but their impact is still limited and under control.
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