Live PMA : FAO forecasts strong demand from Asia and Africa
The evolution of world trade Fruits & Vegetables was analyzed by Mr. Yarmak Audriy (FAO Investment Centre) at its conference on LDCs.
Audriy Yarmak recalled that every year the world population increases by 80 million people. The sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and South Asia are areas where the population will grow the most, with 740 million more people in the next 10 years.
The strongest growth, beyond 18% will be recorded in North Africa and Asia. India is expected to see its population grow from 150 million people in 10 years, Nigeria 50 million, China and Pakistan 38 million. Unlike Japan (-3.7 million), Russia and Ukraine will decline their populations.
According to this specialist, the low price of energy and the development of a middle class will be positive factors for Trade in Fruits & Vegetables. India should experience an economic growth of around 8%, exceeding the rate of China and sub-Saharan Africa's growth (+10%).
On trade of Fruit & Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables trade flows have increased in value by 5% per year in the last five years, while trade flows, of vegetables grew by + 4% per year. Regarding the volume of trade flows has been limited to 1% per year.
The most important countries are the United States, Germany, the UK, the Netherland, France, Russia. Europe represents the largest market with 51% of imported volumes, then Asia with 27% of world imports flow.Asia is the market that grows more with Africa. Import volumes increased by 18% per year. The most applicant countries in Asia are India, China, Vietnam and Africa, Egypt, Algeria, Angola, Nigeria and Kenya.