G20 Agricultural: intentions talks and... minimum agrements
First G20 Agricultural summit held in Paris will for sure, be usefull to get first steps between opposed countries ? According to French government: there is no doubt. These days have been usefull to "set the first steps of the new world agriculture".
More money:
Agricultural production will be significantly increased. This will be achieved thanks to better agro technologies, better water and soils management, stronger R&D (research & Development) programs and thanks to an increase of public and private investments.
More information:
In order to reinforce transparency on the agricultural markets, an international database names AMIS (part of FAO) will be available for all countries. It will contain information on production, consumption and stocks levels. The objective is to offer clear view and comparison on agricultural markets.
More reactive:
To level up international coordination during crisis, G20 agreed for a coordination process able to lead actions in case of sudden production drop in a country. This commission will be composed by CSA high level experts.
More financial control:
Set up new rules has been seen as necessary. A better coordination between government bodies, regulators, and agricultural and financial operators has been outlined. Financial ministers have been urged to better rule and control fiancial part of agricultural markets.
source : news press