Anecoop plans to market 150,000 tonnes of watermelons this season
Wednesday 22 May 2019
Mr. Miguel Abril, Commercial Director, Mr. Alejandro Monzon, President, Mr. Joan Mir, General Manager, and Ms. Piedad Coscolla, Marketing Director.
Watermelon BOUQUET was the first seedless watermelon on the market and today, 28 years later, ANECOOP is the leading Spanish operator in the European watermelon market. For this 2019 season, Anecoop plans to sell 150,000 tonnes of watermelons, 80% of which will be BOUQUET seedless watermelons.
Last Friday, ANECOOP gathered its members producing watermelons from the Almeria and Murcia regions to present the 2019 BOUQUET campaign. The production calendar starts in April in Almeria and then extends to Murcia, Alicante, Valencia and Castellón. Productions from Sevilla and Castilla-La Mancha complete the calendar of the season.
Since 1991, BOUQUET watermelons have been present on the fruit and vegetable departments of the main distribution chains in 30 countries. In 2018, the cooperative sold 107,000 tonnes of watermelons and for this 2019 campaign plans to sell 150,000 tonnes. The success of this product is the result of rigorous varietal selection, intense R & D activity to reduce fruit size while increasing quality and flavor, as well as a diversified supply that has satisfied the new consumer demands.
ANECOOP will undertake an intense communication and marketing campaign, particularly in Spain, France, Czech Republic, Belarus and Poland. With actions in sales outlets but also on radio, television and social networks and at sporting events.