Differentiating values of early potato promoted in Europe
Thursday 08 May 2008
The Producers & Exporters Andalusian Early Potatoes, will sponsor Europatat Congress and they have recently signed a collaboration agreement with FAO to spread potato as an essential food to eradicate poverty, framed within the programme of actions on the occasion of UN International Year of the Potato.
Pursuing the aim of spreading the differentiating features of early potato in European market and gaining back market share currently owned by Mediterranean third countries, the Asociación de Productores y Exportadores de la Patata Temprana de Andalucía, a member of Asociafruit, presented in the latest edition of Fruit Logistica in Berlin their new denomination, Producers & Exporters Andalusian Early Potatoes, as a part of an ambitious new plan of international promotion. To the mentioned presentation attended the persons in charge of main European distribution chains, who applauded for this initiative.
This successful presentation was recorded by both general and specialist (agro-alimentary and economic) media, which didn’t hesitate to enhance, besides this new denomination, one of the most interesting recreational acts in Fruit Logistica: the tasting of a giant potato tortilla larger than 3 square metres. This way wanted the members of this Association give the visitors the opportunity to taste Andalusian early potato, a differentiated product carefully bred.
But framed in this ambitious promotional project there is another string of actions which will take form during the present year, all them pursuing an only aim: spreading the features of this product. Thus, and within the International Year of the Potato 2008 (IYP), the image of Producers & Exporters Andalusian Early Potatoes will be present as sponsor of one of most important European congresses within the sector of potato, Europatat Congress, which will take place next May in Bern (Switzerland). By means of this sponsorship, the Association will guarantee optimal levels of previous notoriety, during and after the event, thanks to the presence of their seal in all stands and communication actions planned by the organisers.
Pursuing the aim of spreading the differentiating features of early potato in European market and gaining back market share currently owned by Mediterranean third countries, the Asociación de Productores y Exportadores de la Patata Temprana de Andalucía, a member of Asociafruit, presented in the latest edition of Fruit Logistica in Berlin their new denomination, Producers & Exporters Andalusian Early Potatoes, as a part of an ambitious new plan of international promotion. To the mentioned presentation attended the persons in charge of main European distribution chains, who applauded for this initiative.
This successful presentation was recorded by both general and specialist (agro-alimentary and economic) media, which didn’t hesitate to enhance, besides this new denomination, one of the most interesting recreational acts in Fruit Logistica: the tasting of a giant potato tortilla larger than 3 square metres. This way wanted the members of this Association give the visitors the opportunity to taste Andalusian early potato, a differentiated product carefully bred.
But framed in this ambitious promotional project there is another string of actions which will take form during the present year, all them pursuing an only aim: spreading the features of this product. Thus, and within the International Year of the Potato 2008 (IYP), the image of Producers & Exporters Andalusian Early Potatoes will be present as sponsor of one of most important European congresses within the sector of potato, Europatat Congress, which will take place next May in Bern (Switzerland). By means of this sponsorship, the Association will guarantee optimal levels of previous notoriety, during and after the event, thanks to the presence of their seal in all stands and communication actions planned by the organisers.