Onubafruit is the only Spanish company member of the IBO
FJ | Onubafruit SL
The IBO (International Blueberry Organization) counts now in its ranks a Spanish company.
Onubafruit has recently became a member of the IBO (International Blueberry Organization), the association that groups the most important companies in the field of blueberry. The IBO comprises 35 members around the world whose objectives are to improve the production and to promote the global consumption of blueberries.
Onubafruit is the only Spanish company member of the IBO. Onubafruit based in Huelva, is born from the union of six major cooperatives of the region (Cobella, Cartayfres, Coophuelva, Freslucena, Bonafru, Condado SAT). Onubafruit produces 55% of Spanish raspberries and sells 67,000 tons of fruit. Between 2011 and 2012, production of blueberries has increased by 47%.