Boxes for Organic Vegetables
United Kingdom
Monday 12 March 2007
Box schemes are one of the fastest growing forms of direct marketing in the UK and a weekly box of fresh fruit and vegetables is delivered direct to your door, your office or to a local collection point such as a health store or a school. Boxes contain a range of produce, which varies each week and according to season. Some include meat, wine and whole foods and most offer organic produce. Prices vary but typical costs range from £15 to £20 per box. One can set up a standing order or pay a lump sum in advance and cancel deliveries during the holidays. One can also give instructions about good places to hide the box to make sure it's still there when one gets home.
Produce is sourced locally, keeping unnecessary packaging, storage and transportation to a minimum, and most is farmed organically - without the use of synthetic fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides - making the process kinder to the environment and, arguably, better for our health.
These schemes provide a fairer deal to farmers than supermarkets and plough money back into local economies. By shortening the supply chain, they also provide customers with greater confidence about where their food has come from and how it has been grown.