Apricot : lower European harvest
All countries
Monday 02 May 2016
According to the crop prospects announced at the Medfel show, European apricot harvest will be weaker.
The crops could reach 443,000 tons or nearly 11% decline for the EUROPEAN production. The decline is most marked in France with 115 569 tonnes, about -26%.
In Italy, the harvest will also fall by almost 20% to 163 190 tonnes. In Spain, the harvests are expected to be almost the same level (-1%) or 54 800 tonnes. Only Greece, a large deficit in 2015, saw its predictions jump by 77% to 54,800 tonnes planned.
The total harvest will be low, we must go back to 2013 or 2003 to find such limited volumes. In 2015, European crops reached 498,705 tonnes, and the average between 2010 and 2014 was 525 850 tonnes.
source : france 3 régions