Mango season in Burkina Faso is in full swing
VU | OTC Organics B.V.
Sanlé Sechage, based in Banfora, Burkina Faso, Africa, is a young professional company which aims to contribute to the socio-economic development of the region with their high quality mangoes.
During the mango season from March to August, the company hires nearly 700 workers, mainly females. 228 employees are focused on processing and exporting fresh mangoes on a daily basis. The other workers are in charge of drying and exporting dried mangoes.
For several years now, the company has been the permanent supplier of organic mangoes for OTC Organics. This subtropical fruit will be available through the April in the Amélie variety and will alternate with the Kent variety.
The subtropical climate makes Banfora an ideal place for growing mangoes. The company grows the fruit mainly for the export. The mangoes which respond to all quality requirements are destined for export. Those ones that do not meet the strict market requirements, but are still good in taste, are processed into dried fruit, so that the food waste is avoided and a source of income is generated. This means that only the best mangoes are exported to the Netherlands.
Together with OTC Organics, Sanlé Sechage has built an IFS and HACCP-certified processing facility which has a sorting line for fresh mangoes, a unit for the processing of dried fruit and a cooling chamber for almost 90 pallets.
Also, they saw the need to improve infrastructure and invest in specific knowledge. Along with the growers, they continuously work on process improvements: from cultivation to sorting and from harvesting methods to conditioning. They expect to increase their export volumes in the next few years and to continue to invest in the group of growers with the aim of growing together.
Sanlé is involved with all local supply chain partners. They work only with fixed partners, some of which have been around for 2 decades now. They regularly visit and check their growers and support them when needed through knowledge transfer.
The tight cooperation and the appropriate guidance has resulted in 60 GLOBALG.A.P. certified growers, producing solely organic and holding an EU- and Bio Suisse certificate for organic farming.
All growers have Fairtrade and GRASP certifications. Since this year they also possess an FSSC 22000 and Kosher certificate.
For more information on organic mangoes: / T .: +31 (0) 885 880 400.