Production of blueberries in Argentina in 2007
Monday 03 September 2007
The Chamber of Blueberry Producers and other Berries (CAPAB) organizes the most important event of berries of the country in the Ayuí Hotel close to borders of the Lake of Great Jump.
The alternatives of commercialization for future campaigns will be the central axis of the event, where they will expose buyers and distributors of berries (fine fruits) of the European and American, industralists and governmental authorities of Chile and Argentina (the main exporter of the South hemisphere), and the attendance of near 500 producers of all the country is anticipated.
“An important problem is the lack of capacity of packing in dates harvest tip. This situation happens partly due to the lack of infrastructure to face the important increase of produced amounts that it has experienced the sector in the last years”, comments Married Alexander, president of the CAPAB.
According to the CAPAB, in Argentine 4.200 hectares are implanted with bilberries what resulted in production of 6.300 tons in 2006, duplicating the volume of harvest 2005. For this year, it is anticipated to again duplicate the shipments, that would be between 12 and 14 thousand tons. The main producing regions are Buenos Aires, Between Ríos and Tucumán, which almost export everything to EE.UU and Europe.
The Argentine internal market is developed little: 94% of the production are destined to the export, a 3% to the secondary product elaboration, like being sweet, jams or ice creams, and only a 3% to the consumption like fresh fruit.
The alternatives of commercialization for future campaigns will be the central axis of the event, where they will expose buyers and distributors of berries (fine fruits) of the European and American, industralists and governmental authorities of Chile and Argentina (the main exporter of the South hemisphere), and the attendance of near 500 producers of all the country is anticipated.
“An important problem is the lack of capacity of packing in dates harvest tip. This situation happens partly due to the lack of infrastructure to face the important increase of produced amounts that it has experienced the sector in the last years”, comments Married Alexander, president of the CAPAB.
According to the CAPAB, in Argentine 4.200 hectares are implanted with bilberries what resulted in production of 6.300 tons in 2006, duplicating the volume of harvest 2005. For this year, it is anticipated to again duplicate the shipments, that would be between 12 and 14 thousand tons. The main producing regions are Buenos Aires, Between Ríos and Tucumán, which almost export everything to EE.UU and Europe.
The Argentine internal market is developed little: 94% of the production are destined to the export, a 3% to the secondary product elaboration, like being sweet, jams or ice creams, and only a 3% to the consumption like fresh fruit.