TERRA EXPORTS accepted first Bitcoin transaction
Bitcoin can be used to buy things electronically. In that sense, it’s like conventional dollars, euros, or yen, which are also traded digitally.
TERRA EXPORTS was happy to accept payment in Bitcoin in early-November this year, when a customer in Singapore casually mentioned they were looking into using cryptocurrency at a business level
Terra Exports does a significant amount of their business with China and India. While they are aware Bitcoin is taking off significantly in both countries, they are not making it a point to switch entirely to cryptocurrency. Offering the ability to be paid in Bitcoin goes hand in hand with the company’s entrepreneurial vision, but it’s not something they are pushing onto customers.
Since then, Terra Exports has received Bitcoin payment in 3 other occasions, from customers both in the US and in India.
Nils Goldschmidt, President of Terra Exports, commented on: “We’re all about entrepreneurial thinking and embracing change, so if that means we need to innovate on how we get paid, we are happy to do it.”
Since then, Terra Exports has received Bitcoin payment in 3 other occasions, from customers both in the US and in India.
Mr. Goldschmidt stated, “Personally I see cryptocurrency as a game-changer that’s here to stay, and what our customers need today. Our role as Terra Exports is to simplify and stream-line our customers’ purchasing needs, so they can in turn focus on what really matters to them. If accepting Bitcoin facilitates this, then we are happy and proud to say we are already making it happen.”
For more details contact:
Terra Exports LLC
Mr. Nils Goldschmidt
E-mail: nils@terraexports.com