Agrexco will land in Sete, France
The first exporter from Israel, Agrexco will open a cold warehouse of 20.000 m² in september 2010 in Sete, south of France for the transit of its 200.000 tons of fruits & vegetable in France.
Shlomo Tirosh, General Manager declares " The traffic in this new warehouse should reach a minimum of 200.000 tons minimum in fruis & veg and 22.000 conteners/ year with a weekly ship transport".
This traffic was operated in Marseille untill january 2009. Today and untill the new warehouse opening, this will be operated in the Italian harbour of Savone Vado, where Orsero group is already implanted.
The Italian company Orsero , a 40 years partner of Agrexco, will invest 25,4 millions euros in this premises construction and will take in charge import and distribution in france of ll these fresh products.
Orsero is a mai fruit & veg distributor in South Europa. It operatels with terminals based in Vado (Italie), Tarragone and Vigo (Spain).