Fruits and vegetables that speak Piedmontese
Friday 15 June 2012
Nordiconad's 160 supermarkets are participating in this campaign for fruits and vegetables launched by the Piedmontese producer Ortofruit Italia.
Ortofruit Italia has launched a campaign, "Frutta e che ortaggi Parlano piemontese".
The campaign "Fruits and vegetables that speak Piedmontese" is organised by Ortofruit Italia in collaboration with Nordiconad (a network of 160 supermarkets and shops of Piedmont,
Liguria and Valle d'Aosta). The campaign aims to stimulate the consumption of fruits and vegetables in season.
The campaign also highlights the link with the region, with names written in Piedmontese, producer participation in the stores and special offers. The campaign will take place from June 26 to November 11
The campaign also highlights the link with the region, with names written in Piedmontese, producer participation in the stores and special offers. The campaign will take place from June 26 to November 11
source : grandain com