Storms of Hail will affect the production of apples in Brazil
Tuesday 03 April 2007
The harvest of Gala apples in Brazil that finished in the third week of March shows that the projected number of 494.949 tons of apples won't be reached, informed Brazil Association of Apples Producers.
Constant hail storms - registrated from November till the beginning of March- reduced the quantity of fruits destined to be packed and increased the quantity of apples for production of juice.
Similarly, the plantations of Fuji apples also suffered from the impact of the hail storms.
The plan of 95.000 tons destined to Europe will have to be reconsidered. During the four initial weeks of Gala export, the port authorities indicated that exported quantities may reach only 70.000 tons.
However, the quality of the apples will be good and the size of fruits likewise will satisfy both growers and the final customers.