Spanish exports have reached great performances
For the first 4 months of the 2015 year, fruit & veg exports have increased in volume and value.
Datas from Ministery of Economy published by FEPEX, show a rise of +8% in volume (4,8 millions tons) and +11% in valu (4,632 millions euros) in comparison with the same period in 2014.
Vegetables exports have increased by +1,6% in volume (2,3 Milions tons) and +8% in value (2,534 millions euros)
Fruit exports have increased by +15% in volume (2,4 millions de tons) and +14,5% in value (2,277 millions euros).
FEPEX considers those good results are due to a good demand from some important markets in UE, such as Great Britain and France.
source : fepex