Direct Hong Kong: Asia FL an event which is gaining momentum
Hong Kong S.A.R.
Thursday 04 September 2014
Opening Round Tour Peru Pavillion from left to right: Victor Sarabia Molina (Promperu), Andrew Davis, Mr. Jorge Luis Montenegro (Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Peru (MINAGRI)), Gerald Lamusse, Mr. David Málaga, Consul General of Peru in Hong Kong and Macao, Chris White, Michael Rehmer (German-Peruvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry).
At the Welcome Reception, Gerald Lamusse, Director of Asia Fruit Logistica fair, showed its satisfaction. Indeed, the fair recorded once again an increase in its numbers.
The number of exhibitors increased by almost +30% to reach 478 companies and the number of countries represented increased by +23% totaling 37 nations, which makes the fair an event increasingly international.
Delegations from around the world thus find themselves in Hong Kong from September 3 to 5. This year we note the significant presence of the companies coming from Australia and Egypt.