FRUIT & VEG SYSTEM, the new fair, heart of the mediterranean in the world
The benefits of the Mediterranean diet are recognized worldwide but diet has been perpetuated by a "system" much larger (biodiversity, traditions , cultures ) .
FRUIT & VEG SYSTEM which is scheduled from 4 to 6 May 2016 in Verona (Italy) wants to make known what is the " Mediterranean system " in the world. Putting this model at the heart of global competition , but with a new approach to the market and encouraging new connections between local players and international operators.
For this event , exhibition spaces but also conferences and workshops encourage exchanges and contacts . The whole sector is expected : seeds / plants, technologies and technical crops , producers, processors , packaging, transportation . And various related sectors : insurance, marketing and communication, associations, organizations controls and certifications , research.
4-5-6 Mai 2016
Fiere di Verona