Proposal of reform for Fruit and Vegetable market by EU-Commission
Tuesday 30 January 2007
On 24th of January, the European Commission put forward a new reform project for common market of fruit and vegetables aimed to include this to already reformed sectors of CAP (Common Agriculture Policy).
The project should make the Fruit & Vegetable economy more competitive and market oriented, decrease income fluctuation in slump situations, enhance consumption, improve environmental protection and make the regulations so clear and simple it could reduce bureaucracy.
The main tasks of reform among the others will be to make stronger motivation for farmers, to open accession to Producers Organisations (PO), giving them more legislative instruments in case of crisis,
including fruit and vegetable sectors in company-bonuses regulations, decreasing number of legislative environmental measures but more financial support for ecological production and cancelling
the exports subsidies.
The European Commission hopes that this budget neutral reform project will be ratified by Council and Parliament until the first half of 2007.