Useful recommendations for obtaining perfectly ripe bananas
Bananas arrive in their final destinations green and require ripening. Quality banana ripening requires a properly equipped ripening room, not any room will suffice.
While ripening, bananas release carbon dioxide (CO2) which accumulates in the ripening room. The CO2 production starts as the fruit ripens and enters the period when the fruit releases ethylene and has an increased respiration rate, along with other physiological changes. Respiration involves lifting of oxygen (O2), release of CO2, and the breakdown of starches. CO2 concentrations above 1% (10.000 ppm) will slow down ripening, postpone the effects of ethylene and result in quality problems. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the rooms with automatic fans, constant ventilation or opening the doors on a certain schedule.
Bananas produce heat while ripening, so the room must feature refrigeration capable of accurately controlling pulp temperature.
Also, the room may need heating equipment to maintain the necessary room temperature during the cold season. Electric heating elements are often a part of the cooling system and are proven the most satisfactory. Open flame type heating shouldn't’s be utilized.
Uniform pulp temperatures throughout the load are crucial for even ripening, the refrigerated air in the room should constantly and uniformly circulate throughout the load. This is why an adequate air circulation must be provided in the room.
The room should be designed to ensure an uninterrupted air flow path from the refrigeration system through the load and back to the refrigeration system. Appropriate air flow patterns are of the highest importance.
It is very important to control humidity levels. For best ripening results, humidity should be between 85 and 95%. For this means, a humidifier will be needed.
To ensure proper ripening of bananas, ethylene should be applied for a minimum of 24 hours (100-150 PPM) in the initial stage of the ripening cycle. The ethylene generator setting will depend on the size of the ripening room.
Fitted with mini-computers, nowadays’ ethylene generators convert specialized liquids into ethylene in continuous and small amounts and pass it to the heated catalyst chamber, causing the generator to produce ethylene for controlled fruit ripening. This type of generator can be used to ripen avocados, citrus fruits, bananas, mangoes, kiwis, melons, nectarines, peaches, papayas, pears, plums, tomatoes, among others.
In addition, proper insulation is required to control the temperature within a few degrees. The ripening room must be as airtight as possible, to prevent too much of the ethylene from leaking out.
If you plan to add a ripening facility to your warehouse or want to try innovative generators, need tips on how to ripen other fruits, send your inquiry