Taxes on exported wheat from Russia on the rise.
While the Russian tourism in Turkey , especially in Antalya, Turkish and export of food products to Russia are experiencing unprecedented declines, the excessive fall of the ruble and new taxes on wheat will affect the Turkish wheat's import. Turkey is one of the leading importers of Russian wheat , which is its main supplier. In July 2014, the Russian statistics already showed a 30% increase in the price of wheat compared to the previous year and only last week an increase of 5 % more was found. Starting from February 1, 2015 , the tariff for the export of wheat will increase by 15 per cent while an additional tax of 7.5 Euros per tonne will be levied .
This is bad news for the Turks, on which this increase will certainly be reflected in the price of bread and other grain-based products such as pasta.
This year , however , the wheat harvest in Russia reached a record of 105 million tonnes , which 30 million tonnes should be exported . The measures taken are designed to protect the Russian consumer.
Source : Yeni Çag Gazetesi