Office renewal for INTERFEL
INTERFEL (Interprofessional of Fruits and Fresh vegetables) at its last General Assembly convened its Board of Directors who has renewed its office.
Bruno DUPONT was reelected President for 3 years .
Also been re-elected to their post:
- Vice President: Laurent GRANDIN, representative of UNCGFL (National Union of Trade Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable);
-Secretary General: Daniel SAUVAITRE, representing GEFeL (Economic Governance of Fruits and Vegetables);
- Treasurer: Daniel Corbel, representative of ANEEFEL (National Association of the Shippers and Exporters of Fruits and Vegetables).
Bruno DUPONT thanked the directors and the trust office testified during the last three years and has hope for this new mandate. The President underlined the challenges that will face Interprofession in the next 3 years and has presented a number of priority directions:
- The desire to better integrate the Research and Experimentation in the sector strategy;
- The ongoing challenge to consolidate the positions of the sector on international markets;
- The necessary support from the consumption of fresh Fruits & Vegetables on the domestic market, including by better coordination of the industry actions in the regions.