Live from Fruit Attraction 2022: MAF RODA presents its new automatic packaging robot for peaches and nectarines
Friday 07 October 2022
FJ | MAF Roda Agrobotic
MAF RODA is exhibiting in Hall 10 stand10D11. His team present at the show (photo: maf roda).
MAF RODA AGROBOTIC specializes in the development and manufacture of turnkey lines for the grading, electronic classification and packaging of fresh fruit and vegetables. MAF exhibits in Hall 10 stand 10D11.
MAF RODA presents the new FAST PACK on its booth, automatic packaging robot for peaches and nectarines. After the version for apples, and after 2 years of trials and tests, MAF RODA now offers a version for peaches and nectarines. The machine has the particularity of being able to put the fruits with the stalk down, in trays (wood, cardboard, plastic) with cells (paper, plastic, cellulose) of 50x30 and 60x40.
Fruit is fed either by integrating the robot at the grader outlet, or by means of a direct emptying system. The fruits arrive on an accumulation table with rollers, by sliding and without any friction, each fruit passes through an orientator which performs various rotations for the placement of the fruit. The fruit is thus scanned by cameras during the rotations, and allows the machine to detect the peduncle and then position it at the bottom.
The machine handles between 100 and 120 fruits per minute which gives an estimated production of around 900 kilos at 1.1 tonnes per hour. Programming is done on a touch terminal with an intuitive and very ergonomic interface allowing rapid production changes.
The FAST PACK for peaches and nectarines is currently offered in 1 machine with 1 head, but in the future the company plans to offer 1 machine with 2 heads, i.e. 2 robots side by side, with the aim of reducing the space and to be able to better integrate with the existing equipment at the customers.
MAF RODA AGROBOTIC, which will celebrate its 60th anniversary at the end of 2022, specializes in the development and manufacture of turnkey lines for grading, electronic sorting and packaging of fresh fruits and vegetables. The company demonstrates a great capacity for innovation with an R&D department and several design office services specializing in mechanics, electronics, electricity or even IT, as well as a perfect technological mastery which makes it possible to ensure 100% of all equipment. With headquarters based in France in Montauban, the company has several subsidiaries and production sites in Europe (Spain, Portugal, Italy) as well as in North America, Latin America, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and China.
For more information about MAF RODA, please send a request