The new episode of G.A.P. TALKS podcast is out.
Kristian Moeller, the CEO of GLOBALG.A.P. talks to the people behind the big-name companies in the global food and agricultural industry. Each guest has been hand-picked for their influence and expertise within their own organization and for their commitment to the global cause of safe food for every generation.
In the new episode listen to the story of success of Felipe Vargas, the director of Varcli Pinares S.A in Costa Rica, the first company who reduced water consumption from 145 liters per banana box in traditional packing plants, to the amount of only 4 liters.
The two-time G.A.P. Award winner also explains why he is passionate about what he is doing and talks about his main principles in business: innovation, sustainability and simplicity.
In the podcast he reveals how through consistent management and cost efficiency they started from 30 hectares in 2009, with only 15 workers and became a banana plantation of 120 hectares, quadruplicating its size in 7 years, giving work for more than 60 families of Matina.
Click here to listen to this G.A.P. Talk.