The opinion of Mr. Domenico Scarpellini, President of Macfrut
It's the 28th edition of Macfrut.
The exhibition was created and consolidated in a territory in which fruit and vegetables have been products of primary importance for ages.
During these years, the event has become more and more an occasion for meetings and exchanges, opening of new business horizons and creation of ideas, involving wordwide operators. This year, there is the second edition of the "Macfrut Oscar" for innovation of product and process. Many enterprises based in the hinterland have become worldwide leaders, and have stimulated the growth of companies in other fields, companies linked to all operational phases of the fruit & veg sector.
Today more than even, in a period of consumption crisis, it is necessary to start up new strategies to meet the consumers' requirements in a new way, evolving ang engaging ourselves so that changes under process protect the fruit & veg sector. Macfrut also aims to be a communication media to educate people to better and safer nourishing, necessarily increasing the use of fruit and vegetables. Therefore it promotes the "Settimana del buon vivere", that is "The week of well-living", where nourishing is considered a real asset.