Trade imbalance for Italy, which has become a net importer
Monday 21 October 2019
Imports (2.2 million tonnes) are higher than exports (2 million exports) in volume as well as value.
Despite an increase in the volume and value of its exports, Italy has recorded an increase in its imports.
According to Fruitimprese, which processed Istat's data from July 2018 to July 2019, fruit and vegetable trade posted an imbalance in the first 7 months of the year.
Over the period, exports increased by 4.8% in volume and 3.3% in value. Imports increased by 2.3% in volume and 12% in value. The value of imports (€2,458,823 million) exceeding the value of exports (€2,446,738 million).
For the first time, the trade balance of Italian fruit and vegetables is negative of €12 million, this had never happened. Last year, there was a surge in imports only in terms of volume.
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