Fruit boosted exports in the first half
Monday 28 August 2017
Good performance in the first half of 2017 for exports from the Peruvian agricultural sector, which grew by 11.4% overall, with a very positive result for fruits (+ 20.3%) but slightly worse for vegetables (-13.8 %).
According to AGAP (Asociación de Gremios Productores Agrarios del Perú), exports totaled USD 2.303 billion in the first half of 2017 (January-June), ie + 11.4% compared to the first half of 2016 (USD 2.068 billion).
The fresh fruit sector jumped by 20.3%, thanks in particular to avocados ($ 100 million), grapes ($ 42.3 million), mangoes ($ 10.5 million) and grenades ($ 21.9 million) .
The fresh vegetables sector decreased by 13.8%. Exports of asparagus decreased to USD 19.4 million and onions to USD 6.9 million. Only fresh garlic saw its exports increase to 10 million USD (5.4 million USD in June 2016).
The main export destinations are the United States (32.9% of shipments), followed by the Netherlands (27.1%), Spain (7.4%) and the United Kingdom (7%).
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