OSCAR kiwi is once again at Asia Fruit Logistica
FJ | Primland
Undisputed leader in France, the OSCAR® kiwi is in real progress on the Asian market.
More than 20 years ago, the OSCAR® kiwi was the first french kiwi introduced in Asia. It has been involved for many years now, in the Asia Fruit Logistica, the biggest fruit and vegetable meeting in Asia. This year, OSCAR® kiwi can be found at the L-01 stand in the 3B Hall.
"Asia Fruit Logistica is the opportunity to meet most of the Asian distributors, and to set up new trade opportunities" describe Jean Baptiste PINEL, PRIM'LAND General Director.
PRIM'LAND estimate for 2014-2015, to commercialise 20 000 tones of kiwi, and 35% of it in Asia. The progress is constant in this market where consumers, such as europeans, specifically enjoy the quality of OSCAR® Kiwis homogeneity throughout the marketing season. PRIM'LAND has several quality marks: BIO, RED LABEL, IGP
source : prim'land