Peru reaches grape target, but rains in Ica threaten the end of the season
There is a need to build reservoirs in the higher areas and divert part of the water to the desert in the lower areas for storage.
Table grape production in Peru has reportedly already reached the 78 million boxes expected for the current season, although the harvest is still underway and there is still fruit to be harvested.
However, heavy rains in Ica this week could complicate the closing of the campaign, according to local media. On Tuesday, Villacurí recorded rainfall of between 2 and 6 mm, while in areas close to the mountain range it exceeded 50 mm, causing landslides and damage in some agricultural areas.
It is estimated that around 5 million boxes are still to be harvested, mainly in Villacurí, and that losses could be moderate if the weather improves and acid rot does not develop in the crops.
Despite the constant water shortage problems in Ica, it is noted that rainwater is not being used efficiently, even when the river flow reached 180 m³ per second.
In view of this situation, there is a need to create reservoirs in the highlands and divert part of the water to desert areas for storage and better use.
Specialists believe that these works could be carried out by the private sector, either with its own financing or through the works-for-taxes system, without depending exclusively on public funds.
The agricultural sector insists that the State should facilitate private investments in water infrastructure and allocate public resources only in those areas where farmers cannot assume the costs.
It is estimated that this type of project would reduce the impact of heavy rains and, at the same time, ensure water to face future droughts.
Finally, it is projected that, if the weather remains stable, the season could end without major losses for producers.