Commission authorises import of canned GM sweet corn
Thursday 27 May 2004
The European Commission has authorised the placing on the market of sweet corn from genetically modified maize line Bt11.
This decision is valid for 10 years and addressed to the company Syngenta.
Any imports of the canned vegetable will have to show clearly on the labelling that the corn has been harvested from a genetically modified plant.
Grain from the GM maize line Bt11 has been authorised for import into Europe since 1998 and is widely used in the EU in feed and in derived food products, e.g. maize oil, maize flour, sugar and syrup, snack foods, baked foods, fried foods, confectionary and soft drinks. The authorisation covers the specific use for imports of canned or fresh sweet corn (maize).
The labelling will have to show clearly that the corn is a GMO in line with the new EU legislation.
An authorisation for cultivation for Bt11 maize is pending and has not yet been granted.