The country is already the fifth largest supplier of fruits to China
With a considerable increase in export volumes, Peru climbs into the Top 5 largest suppliers of fresh fruit to China.
According to figures released by AGAP ( Asociación de Gremios Agroexportadores del Perú ) , the association of agricultural exporters , Peru is now the 5th largest SUPPLIER fresh fruits to China.
Ranking of Chinese imports of fresh fruit between January and May 2014, in value : 1st ) Chile with 597 million USD, 2nd ) Thailand with 523 million USD , 3rd ) Vietnam with 302 million USD , 4th ) the Philippines with 200 million USD , 5th ) Peru with 183 million USD.
The following are the standings significantly outdistanced : 6th position, the United States with 102 million USD and South Africa with 38 million USD, New Zealand with 33 million USD.
It's the grapes that record the best export performance in China with an increase of +93%.
source : gestion pe mercados